Welcome Back!
Welcome to the start of a brand new school year! The beginning of this year comes with exciting changes, the addition of sixth grade as we start the expansion to include middle school, continued COVID protocols, and a traditional, in-person, school schedule with all students back full-time.
Important Items to Note:
Attendance policies and procedures are back in place this year. Please ensure your student(s) are here, on-time, each day
We will have an early release day on Wednesday, September 8th for Grades 1-6 (see schedules below)
First Days of School
The first day of school varies for some grade levels. Please note the start dates below:
6th Grade: Tuesday, September 7th
1st-5th Grade: Wednesday, September 8th
Kindergarten: Group A - Mon. Sept. 13th
Kindergarten: Group B - Tues. Sept. 14th
Full Kindergarten Start - Wed. Sept. 15th

Bell Schedule
K-4th Grade: 8:45am-3:15pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)
8:45am-2:15pm (Wednedsays)
Doors Open at 8:30am for Breakfast
5-6th Grade: 8:30am-3:30pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)
8:30am-2:00pm (Wednesdays)
Doors Open at 8:15am for Breakfast
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Traffic Pattern
Please utilize the driving lane that extends to the back of the school parking lot to prevent traffic build-up onto Hazelgreen Road for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
There will be two lanes that begin near the baseball backstop on the side of the school. The left lane will be used for 5th-6th grade families, and the right lane will be used for K-4th grade families.
COVID-19 Protocols: Visitors are not allowed into the building during this time, though we hoping for this to change as cases/hospitalization numbers decrease in the state/region. Please consider staying in your vehicle for morning drop-off and for afternoon pick-up.
If so desired, you are able to park your vehicle and walk your student up to the front door of the school; however, only students are able to enter the building during morning drop-off. Similarly, you are able to park your car and wait by the front door during afternoon pick-up; however, no visitors will be allowed into the building during this time as well.
Doors will open at 8:15am for 5th & 6th Grade only.
Doors will open at 8:30am for K-4th grade.
Siblings: Students are unable to enter the building until their scheduled time. Please take this into consideration if you have a student in K-4 and then another student in 5-6.
New Daycare Provider
Valley Inquiry Charter School has partnered with CHAMPIONS as our daycare provider for the 21-22 School Year. Care will be available from 7:00am until the start of school for the mornings, and then from school ending until 6:00pm for the evenings. Please click here for more information on this program.
New Meal Provider
Valley Inquiry Charter School has partnered with Fresh n' Local as our breakfast and lunch provider for the 21-22 School Year. The switch from traditional school lunches to a program that utilizes healthier foods is one that is complex. We will be working hard in the coming months to develop a smooth process. Please note: With us separating from the district food program, we will need all students to fill out meal order forms on a monthly basis.
Also, remember that all breakfasts & lunches for this year are free for all students.
Please click here for more information about Fresh n' Local Foods.
COVID-19 Protocols
(subject to change based on latest guidance/mandates)

Face Coverings
Face coverings are required indoors for all staff and students. Students are able to remove face coverings when eating, drinking, and when outdoors. Mask breaks will be utilized as needed.

Physical Distancing
All students will maintain three (3) feet of physical distancing from each other in the classroom and while eating snacks and meals. A minimum of three (3) feet of physical distancing will be enforced while outdoors as much as possible.

No Visitors
Due to the surge of the delta variant and rapid increase in COVID-19 infections, outbreaks, hospitalizations, and deaths, no visitors or volunteers will be allowed in the building until further notice.

Air Filtration
New medical grade HEPA filtration units were secured and placed in every classroom and all learning spaces over the summer to increase air quality and airflow throughout the building.

Mandatory Staff Vaccinations
Valley Inquiry is in compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-019-1030: COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Teaches and School Staff, which applies to all staff, contractors, and volunteers in our building.

Outdoor Eating
We are committed to having all students consume any snacks and meals outdoors whenever possible, and with weather permitting.

Student Cohorting
With the exception of outdoor PE enrichment for Grades 3-6 and recess, students will not mix with other cohorts.
Health Guidelines
Though we will not be checking in students individually and screening for COVID symptoms, all protocols for health guidelines are still applicable. Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste/smell, diarrhea, or vomiting. Please note: Any student that exhibits these symptoms at school will be moved into our isolation room and will need to be picked up by a caregiver immediately. Additionally, students with any COVID-19 symptoms will need to remain at home until certain conditions are met (please contact Miss Mary for details).
No Supply Drop-Off or Open House
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, we are not having a Supply Drop-Off Day or an Open House for this year. We are disappointed and saddened by this and look forward to having this again in Fall 2022.
COVID-19 Exposure
Please notify Miss Mary if your student has had close contact/direct exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Early Pick-Ups
If you need to pick up your student early, please call the office before you arrive so we can have the student ready when you drive up.
Other Items
Please make sure students come to school with a water bottle. We have a touch-free bottle fill station in the front office
The supply list has been uploaded to our school website. You can access it here.
Please ensure you pick up your child on-time at the end of the school day to ensure office staff
Please remember to drive slowly in our parking lot to ensure the safety of other families and students
Picture Day will be on Thursday, September 23rd