We are in need of 5 volunteers for each session of the Jogathon this year. All volunteers must have an approved Criminal Background Check submitted to the school district. This process can take a few weeks, so if you don't have one on file please fill out the forms immediately. Links and information for volunteering can be found here. Please contact the front office to verify your status as the background checks do expire. Volunteers will not be entering the school building but will meet under the covered area. If you are not able to volunteer at the Jogathon, we are looking for donations of bottled water and granola bars for students to get after they have finished running.
Jogathon Information
Date: Nov. 10th
8:45-9:25 5/6
9:30-10:10 2/3/4
10:15-10:55 K/1
Update on Spectators:
Must observe and adhere to 6 feet distancing protocols with anyone outside their immediate families
Must wear a mask that covers from the top of nose to under the chin at all times (even though we are outside)
May not enter the building or stay longer than their child’s jog time